September 2023

It doesn’t matter to us if we bailed you out of jail last year, we’ll be happy to do it again for you. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to call us if you need our help a second time! We won’t turn you away or...

If you’re someone who has been haunted by their past legal mistakes, this is probably the best news you’ve heard in a long time.A person may have their criminal record expunged, meaning essentially that it is as if that criminal record does not exist. Not...

Let’s take a little history lesson, a rather important one. In grade school, we learn about the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These rights have protected the people for over 200 years and continue to do so, so it is imperative for the people to...

The consensus when someone is arrested and goes to jail is that their “life is over.” Of course, that’s a figure of speech but considering the circumstances, it is taken quite seriously. But you have the power to give a person their life back, to...