Anderson County Bail Bonds

It doesn’t matter to us if we bailed you out of jail last year, we’ll be happy to do it again for you. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to call us if you need our help a second time! We won’t turn you away or...

If you’re someone who has been haunted by their past legal mistakes, this is probably the best news you’ve heard in a long time.A person may have their criminal record expunged, meaning essentially that it is as if that criminal record does not exist. Not...

Let’s take a little history lesson, a rather important one. In grade school, we learn about the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These rights have protected the people for over 200 years and continue to do so, so it is imperative for the people to...

The consensus when someone is arrested and goes to jail is that their “life is over.” Of course, that’s a figure of speech but considering the circumstances, it is taken quite seriously. But you have the power to give a person their life back, to...

It's likely that you already know that the first time you're convicted of a DUI in Tennessee, you will lose your driving privileges for a period of time, be required to pay some hefty fines and have to take some substance abuse classes.What you may...

All American Bail Bonds Dandridge is committed to serving you and securing your freedom. Our mission is to provide fast, friendly, confidential, and professional service to all of our clients. We believe in the right to bail and that a person is innocent until proven guilty....

You have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. These are the rights for people who are arrested for any crime.  Civil rights laws can protect you from unlawful discrimination, harassment, or abuse in a variety of settings like housing, the...

Many people have made a career out of posting TikTok videos. They have used their videos to build brands, become influencers, and even launch marketing/acting/singing careers.Anyone who has worked to build a successful TikTok platform knows exactly how much thought and effort go into the...

No one plans on getting arrested. No one sets aside a portion of their weekly paycheck with plans for using it to finance bail. This means that when you or a loved one is arrested, there’s a good chance that you won’t have money set...

You just learned that one of your favorite people has been arrested. You want to help them out, but you’re not sure what you can do.The first thing you should do is try to contact them. This isn’t always easy since they are in jail....

As soon as you've been arrested, you want to be released. The problem is that you can't be released for many crimes until your bail has been set. Once you know how much bail is required to get you out of jail, you and your...

No one wants to sit in a jail cell longer than necessary. The longer you're locked up, the larger the financial, emotional, and even mental toll the experience takes on you. The good news is that there are some things you can do that will...